![]() 09/23/2020 at 22:16 • Filed to: Ban Hammer | ![]() | ![]() |
![]() 09/23/2020 at 22:21 |
Honestly I have zero problem with that whatsoever
![]() 09/23/2020 at 22:23 |
15 years from now? I dunno, seems not entirely unreasonable.
It's a ban on the sale of new cars, not a ban on all ICE vehicles.
![]() 09/23/2020 at 22:23 |
By then I would expect most DDs being sold to be electric, they are all over the place here already. I just care if they let us drive our classics. I think having a little generator on board is a good idea, like the Fisker.
![]() 09/23/2020 at 22:24 |
No, I don’t live in California, or ever desire to, and I only have maybe 4 or 5 decades left to live and just want to get through them with as little hassle as possible, and so have decided to completely stop caring about anything that doesn’t affect me directly, because, as far as I can tell, most things from March 2020 onward to the end of time are just going to inevitably get shittier and shittier over time anyway, regardless of what I, or anyone else, does or thinks.
![]() 09/23/2020 at 22:24 |
Absurd overreach yes, but:
1) It’s [ Cali/C ommie] fornia, are you surprised?
2) By 2035 it will either be a non-issue since they’ll be selling almost all electric cars anyway, or it will be rolled back a year or two prior.
![]() 09/23/2020 at 22:26 |
Isn’t law, just an order / letter. He is chest pounding and nothing is going to come of it.
Plus it isn’t surprising. Other countries ban then entirely in city centers and are talking about stopping sales nation wide etc.
![]() 09/23/2020 at 22:28 |
lol, clever!
![]() 09/23/2020 at 22:29 |
Don’t live there or plan to. Have never and don’t ever see myself buying a new car so it’s a non issue for me
![]() 09/23/2020 at 22:29 |
All new cars from the past 25 years are essentially zero- emitting
Also, there’s always Arizona and Nevada :p
![]() 09/23/2020 at 22:29 |
I lived in California for a couple years—it was fine. The twisty roads near Malibu are definitely heaven for a motorcyclist , but living there is just not worth the cost of housing or property taxes. I wouldn’t even consider moving back.
But, I’m from Chicago and like it more. And if don’t retire in Chicago, it will be Charleston, SC, Seattle, Vancouver, BC,
or New Orleans
—where I will rip donuts in a naturally aspirated 911 or M3 forever.
![]() 09/23/2020 at 22:31 |
I’ll just get me one of them plaid Teslers
![]() 09/23/2020 at 22:31 |
Makes sense I guess. It is the way the world is going, even if this is one of the bigger earlier steps.
![]() 09/23/2020 at 22:31 |
My only issue is how it would impact low income people, but California has had a history of making these grand gestures but then backing off when they realize they’re not feasible so we’ll see if this actually goes into effect.
![]() 09/23/2020 at 22:32 |
That was my thought too, I bet by then 75% of the cars are going to be electric.
![]() 09/23/2020 at 22:33 |
![]() 09/23/2020 at 22:33 |
It won't matter unless the market bears it out. We may be there anyways by 2035 ... I don't think we will be personally ... But if the market won't bear it, they'll be forced to go back on it.
![]() 09/23/2020 at 22:36 |
No (as someone moving to California in weeks) I do not mind this at all. I have a vehicle in my garage that is 50 years old so I don’t think this will negatively impact me at all, partly because I’m likely to buy an electric commuter in the next couple years.
With the world starting to self destruct we need to take drastic measures to save it. This is only a small part of what needs to be done and frankly doesn’t go far enough.
Also probably no to the second one. I have a serious fear that if Trump loses the election he’ll barricade himself in the whitehouse refusing to concede and will surround the grounds with nazi militias to protect his reign. Is it a stretch this might happen, yes. Is it out of the realm of possibility, not at all.
![]() 09/23/2020 at 22:36 |
All new cars from the past 25 years are essentially ze ro-emitting
Only if you ignore CO2.
![]() 09/23/2020 at 22:46 |
Well, to me it seems like lead paint or asbestos or many other products that present rather “ diffuse” dangers. We knew of the health effects of asbestos for example, or of cigarettes, they raise a person’s chances of cancer. But there is still money to be made by selling them . I personally believe this is an appropriate action for government, to act to protect the larger but less powerful public against the economic interests of a few rich and powerful cig/ asbestos/ICE car producers. Especially in the case that using the product has after effects on the whole of society and not just the end user (e.g. legal marijuana)
![]() 09/23/2020 at 22:47 |
They also said 10% of cars must be EVs by 2008. They didn't get it. Not even close.
![]() 09/23/2020 at 22:50 |
“Just listen to how forward thinking I am and how far ahead of everyone else I am. I am just a freaking green genius. Nevermind how much this is going to raise the cost of living on the working class in my state; where it’s pretty much already unaffordable for them.”
![]() 09/23/2020 at 22:53 |
If they want to eliminate combustion engines from the road, they’re gonna need a lot more grid power to keep electric cars and trucks charged and moving. That means a lot more nuke plants. But the same people that cry out for the end to ICEs are typically the same people that cry out in protest at nuclear power.
The energy’s gotta
come from somewhere.
![]() 09/23/2020 at 23:02 |
I might have cared 4 years ago. At this point I’ll be happy to be alive by 2035. Between my career path/salary and healthcare costs here...not even getting into anything else.
![]() 09/23/2020 at 23:07 |
If there is a brown out then you can’t charge your car!
![]() 09/23/2020 at 23:08 |
It’s a hollow policy since you will be unlikely to even be offered an ICE powered passenger vehicle by a major automaker after 2030 in most developed markets .
![]() 09/23/2020 at 23:09 |
If I could have had about 30% more income I might have had more interest in staying in California but I didn’t and my dollar goes a lot further in Montana.
![]() 09/23/2020 at 23:13 |
Not a law yet. All these politicians talk a lot about banning the sale of ICE vehicles but don’t do anything. You have to build the infrastructure so that owning an EV is as convenient as anything else. Also automakers need to figure out how to lower cost while increasing range and decreasing charging time.
![]() 09/23/2020 at 23:17 |
Just another reason
to add to the list of reasons why I will never find myself living in California
![]() 09/23/2020 at 23:38 |
As a Californian, Hate it.
Sure the use cases for ICE being absolutely necessary are limited but imagine living off the grid . Growing up 30-45 minutes out of town, we used a Honda eu2000 to power the house at dark and propane for the appliances. Imagine having to run your generator at full tilt all night to charge up the truck.
At its most basic its a limit of choice because the state is deciding for you. Id be happier to pay a premium(tax) to buy a carbon producing car . But thats another problem of the govt only giving a choice to those who can afford it
![]() 09/23/2020 at 23:38 |
Won’t the major cities in CA just be in perpetual gridlock by then?
You’ll be using motorcycles to get anywhere if you want to travel in a reasonable amount of time using a personal vehicle.
(1/2 Joking)
![]() 09/24/2020 at 00:13 |
where you are at in montana is a much better place anyways! Plenty of the state sure seems like a flat hellhole though. What is Eastern Montana actually like if youve gone out there.
![]() 09/24/2020 at 00:16 |
Does this make my Miata worth more money? I bet itll be worth $10 by the time this is passed! Although with how pyschos seem to price these things, I could see it being worth actual money some day.
![]() 09/24/2020 at 00:23 |
imma see about getting into 2021 before worrying about 2035.
![]() 09/24/2020 at 00:47 |
Eastern Montana is for pronghorn and mosquitoes.
![]() 09/24/2020 at 01:07 |
No, we're full!
![]() 09/24/2020 at 01:13 |
It is interesting that someone in a high political position would say that, can’t imagine it happening 5-10 years ago, even in California.
I don’t have a strong dislike of electric cars, but there do seem to be at least some people that thing it is a kind of like air, you just have to plug into a socket and there it is.
If Electric gets big adoption rates they will have to find a way to produce more. I am sure it will be a combination of sources, some less green than others. Then you will have to find a way to move it around more transformers and power lines. Then a way to charge all the vehicles on the highway. If an electric gets down to the point where it only takes 3x longer than gassing up we will need three times the number of charging stations along the highways (compared to current gas).
Also exec. order can be rescinded by the next gov.
![]() 09/24/2020 at 06:43 |
They dont want to go after the big pollutors, nor fund real alternative energy, so fuck em. Ban cars. Why would we say, regulate cargo ship emissions? Solar and wind are also working so well (and have been for years) so why would we invest in fusion?
Let California burn if they want to mistake activism for action.
![]() 09/24/2020 at 06:44 |
My reaction was that it would be more important for the environment for them to have strict emissions controls on large trucks including semis, school buses and delivery.
As others have said, cars have become a small part of the problem, and this may get rolled back if the market isn’t already mostly there in 15 years.
![]() 09/24/2020 at 06:56 |
So.....let me get this straight....one of the states known for brownouts and blackouts wants to tax their already terrible ele
ctric grid MORE, which will take down the grid MORE....and thereby stop anybody from getting anywhere because all of their newer cars will require the grid to even function....?
I’’m not anti-EV, but.....this sounds like a really idiotic idea....maybe work on improving the grid first with more renewables if they are after more
environmental power generation methods?
![]() 09/24/2020 at 07:18 |
Wait, are you telling me we can afford to wait 15 years before we ban ICE cars? Hang on ima bring my RX8 around
![]() 09/24/2020 at 09:14 |
A ban on new cars seems doable. My question with banning ICE cars if what about the people that can’t afford to buy a new car. But a new car ban seems more than reasonable
![]() 09/24/2020 at 09:47 |
Fine. Great. Whatever. It's just the illusion of progress without actually going anywhere. Commercial/industrial, and shipping emissions are what need to be regulated and drastically reduced. Then you could probably go after lawnmowers and things like that, ones even from 10 years ago are nasty. But even before going to individuals in the West, we would need to get Asia on board with current automotive emission levels at least and of course commercial/industrial/shipping. Good luck with any of that. Lobbyists and politicians won't let anything real get fixed, they'll just keep pretending until it's too late. Shit, it's already too late. Time for an existential crisis.
![]() 09/24/2020 at 10:16 |
PG&E could really use some cash to
improve their grid infrastructure to prevent more wild fires
They just need a good reason to ask Newsom for money because everybody hates them for price
gouging and deferred maintenance. Oh, how convenient! Thanks Newsom!
![]() 09/24/2020 at 10:17 |
say hi to a flood of re-titled flood
salvage cars sold across state lines in California!
![]() 09/24/2020 at 10:59 |
Huge bailout to Tesla
![]() 09/24/2020 at 11:15 |
The best thing california did was start funding research into alternative fuel and EV’s. They had an entire complex set up in West Sacramento where they were developing and testing vehicles. That included the RAV4 EV an many others. Now that’s progress.
![]() 09/24/2020 at 11:16 |
Miata is always the answer.